The Underground World of Competitive Duck Herding.

Page 1: Introduction – Quackers on the Clock In the annals of peculiar competitions, there exists a subculture that remains largely unseen—the world of competitive duck herding. Yes, you read that correctly. Ducks, not sheep. This comically feathered documentary explores the quacking madness and uncharted waters of the Underground World of Competitive Duck Herding. Page…

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In Search of the World’s Most Haunted Toilets..

Page 1: Introduction – The Unseen Realm of Haunted Thrones In the quiet corners of the world, where shadows linger and whispers dance in the air, there exists a realm seldom explored—the haunted toilets. This documentary aims to unravel the eerie tales that surround these porcelain thrones, revealing the unexpected encounters and spine-chilling experiences of…

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The Secret Lives of Street Pigeons (if it was a short film)

In the dimly lit alleyways of the city, where shadows danced to the rhythm of secrecy, a clandestine society thrived—The Pigeon Noir. These weren’t your ordinary city pigeons picking at breadcrumbs; they were the James Bonds of the avian world, winged spies with feathers sharper than a switchblade. Meet Squab McFeathers, a street-smart pigeon with…

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Going Up?